Welsh League The events that count towards the League are all Welsh events Level C and higher (District, Regional and National) plus selected events in the NW and West Midlands. These latter will be notified by the League Co-ordinator David Seward, in Y Ddraig and on this website at the earliest opportunity each year.
BADGE,NATIONAL: winners time / your time * 100 * course weightings COLOUR CODED : winners time / your time * 100 * course weightings * class weightings Course Weightings Class Weightings NATIONAL E 1.60 M10 3.5 W10 4.0 A - L 1.40 M12 2.5 W12 3.0 B - S 0.90 M14 2.0 W14 2.5 M16 1.5 W16 2.0 REGIONAL M18 1.3 W18 1.7 A - L 1.30 M20 1.1 W20 1.6 B - S 0.85 M21 1.0 W21 1.4 M35 1.1 W35 1.6 DISTRICT M40 1.2 W40 1.7 BROWN 1.00 M45 1.3 W45 1.8 S BROWN 0.90 M50 1.5 W50 1.9 BLUE 0.80 M55 1.6 W55 2.0 S BLUE 0.70 M60 1.8 W60 2.2 GREEN 0.60 M65 2.0 W65 2.4 S GREEN 0.50 M70 2.2 W70 2.6 L GREEN 0.40 M75 2.4 W75 2.8 ORANGE 0.33 M80 2.6 YELLOW 0.25 NOTE: Novices on the Yellow course may run in pairs. Shadowed runners on the Yellow course must be declared at registration and will be non-competitive.
If you have any comments or suggestions, Nick
Silk, will be pleased to hear from you. ORGANISERS PLEASE NOTE: Please send a copy of results to co-ordinator a.s.a.p. after the event, and please include names of Planner, Organiser and Controller so that average points can be awarded.
2000 and 2001 Rules (i.e. replaced by the above rules)